When you begin your internship, you should take note of some things that you should and should not do. Remember, that the workplace is a different environment from school or home, and there are different expectations. You want to behave in a way that will enable you to make the most out of your internship experience.
Maintain Contact
During the course of your internship, arrange to have regular meetings with your supervisor. From the start, make a schedule with him or her for times when you can meet and discuss your performance and progress during your internship.
By meeting regularly you will have the opportunity to ask your supervisor how you are doing. If there are problems, you will be able to correct them early on instead of bobbling along thinking you are doing great when in fact you are doing damage to your reputation that may be difficult to correct. Equally, if you are doing something right, you would not want to stop doing it on the mistaken belief that it it unimportant or even problematic.
When you go to these meetings, be sure that you are open to criticism. Never do anything that could make you look touchy or defensive about your performance. You want to convey the impression of someone who will accept correction cheerfully and is dedicated to self-improvement.
Do Get Exposure
Many people go through life doing only the minimum that is required of them and constantly wonder why opportunities pass them by. Instead, make a conscious decision to go beyond what is merely expected of you and actively seek out opportunities to shine. If you are approached to do a special project, accept it with enthusiasm, even if it will mean giving up evening or weekend activities you might prefer to do. Not only will these extra projects give you an opportunity to learn more about the company, but you will also show yourself to be a go-getter, someone who is willing to go the extra mile for the company.
If you are invited to attend seminars or meetings, don't hesitate to go. Whether you are invited to participate or simply observe, these events offer a variety of benefits. You will be able to meet a far wider range of people in the company than you normally work with, and you will get to see how they interact.
Don't Be Afraid to Ask
During your internship you will encounter many things that puzzle or confuse you. So don't hesitate to ask questions or request explanations as you encounter something that you donĂt know or understand. Although it may feel embarrassing to have to admit that you don't know, other employees will not mock or humiliate you for not knowing. After all, you are new here and everything is new to you. They probably remember their own first day when they felt lost and confused, and will be quite happy to show you the ropes.
Do Be Open For Learning
The entire point of an internship is to learn things you can't pick up from regular classroom work. It is an opportunity to learn new methodologies and skills, particularly practical knowledge. If your supervisor teaches you a skill or technique, make sure to pay close attention and absorb it. Things that may have seemed easy when you read them in a book often prove to be much harder to actually perform, and having someone show you the little tricks of the trade can really help you master them.
Do Have A Mentor
Particularly in a large organization, it is easy to get lost in the crowd if you do not have a mentor. This person can be your internship supervisor or another manager. You want to make sure that he or she has plenty of experience and is willing to take the time to focus on your learning.
These pointers can help you make the most of your internship. You are investing a considerable amount of your time and quite possibly money (particularly if you are living away from home or need to travel) in yourself and you do not want to waste it.